free         mix

I was born in Italy 1969, grew up there and studied illustration
at the IED in Milano and at the FH in Darmstadt.
Since 1999 I‘m working with international children’s book editors
from Germany, France, England, Italy, and Korea
and my books are translated in many languages.
I illustrated more than 50 books for young and older kids.


Peter Hammer Verlag - Belz und Gelberg - Magellan - Fischer Verlag - Gabriel Verlag - Sauerländer - Ravensburger - ElefantenPress - Bertelsmann - Razamba Verlag - Neugebauer - Residenz Verlag - Nathan - Éditions Milan - Bayard Édition - Escabelle - Thames&Hudson - Macmillan - Bloomsbury - Ladybirdbooks - Evans Brothers - Hachettechildren’s books – Child‘s Play – Readers Digest - Edizioni E.L. - Mondadori - Salani - Yeowon Media - Doo doo story - Petit Elin - Kids Schoole


2024     “Par monts et par mots”  Maison des arts de bages- Bages sur Aude
                Exhibition with the french artist Didier Béquillard

2023     “Des oiseaux sur mon arbre”  Centre de sculpture romane - Cabestany


2023      “A la recherche du rayon vert”  Bélvedère du ryon vert - Cérbère 

2019      “Vielefalt: zur 10 Jahre Berliner Bücherinsel”  - Humboldt-Bibliothek -Berlin

2018       Illustrations from the Book “Der Friedenssucher” shown at the exhibition  “Frieden. Wie im Himmel so auf Erden?“   
               - LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur - Münster

2014      “ Beste Freunde” - Europäische Kinder und Jugendbuchmesse Saarbrücken

2011       “Junge! Junge!”  - Kinderbuchhaus at the Altonaer Museum - Hamburg

2009     “Nella stanza dei giocattoli” - Il castello dei Ragazzi- -Carpi

2006     „Antichi incanti“ Gli illustratori italiani celebrano i fratelli Grimm
                 Italian illustrators are celebrating the Grimm Brothers

2005     „Sirenette di carta e soldatini d’inchiostro“ Gli illustratori italiani per i 200 anni di Hans Christian Andersen
                 Italian illustrators for the 200 years of Hans Christian Andersen

2000    “ Matite italiane”  Exhibition of Italian illustration for children - Bologna

1995 and 1996    selected at the Illustrators exhibition at the Children’s Bookfair in Bologna


Die Gottsucher- by Rainer Oberthuer -2024

Thames & Hudson
A day by the sea  - 2022

Thames & Hudson
Home alone  - 2021

Der Seelensucher- by Rainer Oberthuer -2020

“Meine kleine Tierfamielie -  Auf dem Bauernhof - In der Wildnis “- 2020

Belz und Gelberg
“Morgen kommt die Hyäne zum Essen” by Nasrin Siege - 2019
illustrated together with Kerstin Meyer

Deutscher Katecheten-Verein
“Der Friedenssucher” by Rainer Oberthuer - 2018 -  published for the exhibition:
„Frieden. Wie im Himmel so auf Erden?“ at the LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur - Münster - 2018

Gabriel Verlag:
"Das Vaterunser" by Rainer Oberthuer - 2013
"Die neue Erzählbibel" by Martina Steinkühler - 2015
“Zusammen” by Rainer Oberthuer - 2016
“Für dich bin ich immer da” by Martina Steinkühler - 2016
“Die Zehn Gebote” by Rainer Oberthuer - 2020

Razamba Verlag
“Der Honigvogel” by Nasrin Siege - 2016

Residenz Verlag:
"Warten auf Gustav" by Georg Bydlinski - 2011

"Wir haben dich immer lieb” by Christine Merz - 2011

Le Bonhomme vert:
"Quand Jules se prend la tête" by Françoise Gerbaulet - 2011

"Les Animaux et leur famille"  - 2011
"Le rire de Jiha" by Michel Piquemal, - 2011

Peter Hammer Verlag:
"Kleiner Riese, großer Zwerg" by Werner Holzwarth -  2011
"Wenn der Löwe brüllt" by Nasrin Siege -  2009
"Alle einsteigen" - 2007

Éditions Bayard:
"Les visages de Dieu" by Marie-Hélène Delval - 2010
"L’Encyclo Catho" 2008

Fischer Verlag:
“Vinni in Venedig” by Peter Lidbeck - 2007
“Vinni im Winter”  by Peter Lidbeck-  2006
"Vinni macht Ferien" by Peter Lidbeck  -  2005

"Fiabe di Mare" by Italo Calvino - 2013  
"Itamar il cacciatore di sogni" by David Grossman - 2011
"Le avventure di Itamar" by David Grossman - 2010
"Il bambino della mamma" by Seruya Shalev - 2004
"Un bambino e il suo papá" by David Grossman - 1999

Edizioni E.L:
“Leggo una storia d’autunno in 5 minuti” by Giuditta Campello - 2022
"Storie per chi le vuole" by Roberto Piumini - 2003
"Un attimo prima di dormire" by Stefano Bordiglioni - 2004

"The higgledy piggledy pigs" by Sally Crabtree - 2004
“Rude mule” by Pamela Duncan Edwards -  2002
"Archie hates pink" by Karen Wallace - 2001
“Small brown dog bad remembering day” by Mike Gibbie -  1999
"What if" by Jonathan Shipton - 1999

Elefanten Press:
"Ananzi ist schuld" by Peter Paul Zahl - 1999

„Das schönste Weihnachtsgeschenk“ by Charise Neugebauer  - 1999